Amazing Grace Artists Group on Facebook


 This a group for any and all artists that love doing Faith based artwork. Your religious, faith themed artwork can be on any surface and approached in any way you wish, as long as there is no nudity, sexist or racist terms or stereotypes thrown in..Any style, such as traditional, abstract, oils, pastel, anything is alright to render your creations in yto show to us...There will be no flaming, harassing, bullying, cursing, talking down to, cruel criticism, or any other thing that a person can do to take away another artists joy after they have finished a piece and decided to share with us...Especially new artists have a problem with thinking they are not good enough...we do not have the right to add to that negativity...  All artists have different styles, different talents, different fav colors, etc..that doesn't make anyone's any better than the rest...

Bottom line is this - ***Worry about your own artwork and let them worry about theirs"***


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